The Aspects screen provides an overview of the religions covered on this CD-ROM, through the use of video and text. It also allows access to the Personal View, Visit and Matrix sections of the disc enabling you to explore the religions in more detail.
Each religion has a generally accepted symbol which is used to represent it. The names of the religions appear below the symbols. Clicking on a religion's symbol selects that religion.
The symbol for Buddhism.
The symbol for Christianity.
The symbol for Confucianism.
The symbol for Judaism.
The symbol for Hinduism.
The symbol for Islam.
The symbol for Shinto.
The symbol for Sikhism.
In addition to the eight religions covered, religion in general can be examined.
The 'World Religion' button provides this facility.
Puts you into video mode for the currently selected religion.
Returns to the start of the video.
Rewinds the video.
Plays the video.
Pauses the video.
Fast forwards the video.
Turns the video sound on and off.
Changes the size of the video.
Puts you into text mode for the currently selected religion.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Aspects screen.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Takes you back to the title screen.
Takes you to the Personal View screen.
Takes you to the Visit screen.
Takes you to the Matrix screen.
Brings up the Glossary box.
Takes you to the Index.
Brings up the save text box relating to the currently selected religion.
The Personal View screen examines the beliefs and practices of religions through a series of interviews with members of each faith.
A picture of the person being interviewed is displayed. The name of the person is shown below the picture.
To change to another person use the turners on either side of the name.
Displays a full sized version of the picture. The back button returns you to the Personal View screen.
A number of questions are asked to each person.
First select a question by pressing a question button.
Then hear the answer by pressing the audio play button. Pressing this button while the audio is playing plays it from the beginning again.
Pauses the audio. Pressing the pause or play button resumes the audio from where it was paused.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Personal View screen.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Takes you back to the Aspects screen.
Brings up the Glossary box.
Takes you to the Index.
Allows you to change the current religion.
The Visit screen takes you on a journey through sacred buildings and places of worship.
The places to visit are split up into a number of locations.
A picture of the current location is shown in the middle of the screen.
Displays a full sized version of the picture. The back button returns you to the Visit screen.
To move to another location click on one of the small sketches which appear around the picture of the current location.
Moves you to the previous location.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Visit screen.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Takes you back to the Aspects screen.
Brings up the Glossary box.
Takes you to the Index.
Allows you to change the current religion.
allows you to save text and pictures relating to the current location.
The Matrix screen allows you to explore aspects of each of the religions covered.
To select a religion click on a religion button.
The religion button for Buddhism.
The religion button for Christianity.
The religion button for Confucianism.
The religion button for Judaism.
The religion button for Hinduism.
The religion button for Islam.
The religion button for Shinto.
The religion button for Sikhism.
The button for World Religion.
The aspect bar runs along the top of the screen.
To select an aspect click on one of the aspect buttons on the aspect bar.
Information is presented relating to the aspect of the religion which you have selected. This information is made up of a number of slides. A slide contains a piece of text and a main picture. Some slides will have other relevent pictures, audio and video clips.
Slide Selection
A slide count tells you how many slides there are for the current aspect.
Takes you forward through the slides (one at a time).
Takes you back through the slides (one at a time).
Brings up a box asking you which slide you wish to jump to. Entering the number and clicking okay takes you to that slide.
Puts you into video mode. The back button returns you to the Matrix screen.
Returns to the start of the video.
Rewinds the video.
Plays the video.
Pauses the video.
Fast forwards the video.
Turns the video sound on and off.
Changes the size of the video.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Matrix screen.
Displays a full sized version of the main picture. The back button returns you to the Matrix screen.
Displays other pictures relating to the current slide.
Plays the audio. Clicking on this while the audio is playing stops the audio.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Takes you back to the Aspects screen.
Takes you to the Compare screen.
Brings up the Glossary box.
Takes you to the Index.
Takes you into TrailSave editor.
Adds the current slide to a trail without you entering Trailsave editor.
Allows you to save text,pictures,video and audio for the current slide.
The Contemporary Issues Introduction screen provides an overview of the issues covered.
To select an issue click on one of the six issue buttons.
Once an issue has been selected the sub-issue buttons relating to the issue appear.
To select a sub-issue click on one of the sub-issue buttons.
Once a sub-issue has been selected the investigate button will appear .
To move to the Information screen click on the investigate button.
Text relating to the current issue/sub-issue is shown in the text box.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Takes you back to the Main Menu.
Brings up the Glossary box.
Takes you to the Index.
Allows you to save text and pictures relating to the current issue/sub-issue.
The Contemporary Issues Information screen allows you to explore issues for each of the religions covered.
To select a religion click on a religion button.
Two 'others' buttons are provided to select the issue and sub-issue.
Click on the top 'others' button to choose an issue. A box will appear with a list of issues. Click on an issue name to select it. A second box will then appear from which a sub-issue must be selected.
Click on the bottom 'others' button to choose a sub-issue without having to select an issue beforehand.
Information is presented relating to the sub-issue of the religion which you have selected. This information, which makes up a slide, includes a piece of text and a main picture. On some slides there are other pictures, audio and video clips.
Puts you into video mode. The back button returns you to the Contemporary Issues Information screen.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Contemporary Issues Information screen.
Displays a full sized version of the main picture. The back button returns you to the Contemporary Issues Information screen.
Displays other pictures relating to the current slide.
Plays the audio.
Takes you back to the Contemporary Issues Introduction screen.
The index provides a quick and easy method of selecting a slide from the hundreds that are available on the disc. You can either scroll through the index entries, or type the item you are looking for into the top left-hand box. An arrow next to an entry means that there are a number of slides or sub-entries associated with it. When a slide is selected the TrailSave and TrailSave Plus buttons appear next to the "Find" button.
Clicking on this button will take you to the slide name shown on the button.
Clicking on this button will return you to the screen you were previously on.
The TrailSave function allows the user to save interesting or relevant slides from anywhere on the disc. This slide list, or 'trail', can be built up and rearranged in order to create a customised presentation.
Trails can be seen from the 'Viewer' available on this screen.
ADD THE CURRENT SLIDE TO THE TRAIL - Adds the current slide to the end of the trail.
REMOVE THE HIGHLIGHTED SLIDE - Deletes a selected slide from the 'trail'. (A slide can be selected from the trail by clicking on its position in the list.)
REPOSITION THE HIGHLIGHTED SLIDE - To re-order the trail select a slide you want to reposition: click on this button, and then on the new position in the list you want it to take.
LOAD - Load a previously saved 'trail' from disk.
SAVE - Save the 'trail' you have built up to disk as a TrailSave file. (If at any time you are in danger of losing the 'trail' you have collated, you will be warned first and given this option of saving.)
CLEAR - Delete ALL slides in the current 'trail'.
VIEW - Allows you to view your 'trail' starting with the highlighted slide in the 'trail'. (To change the highlighting, just select another slide).
The TrailSave Viewer allows you to view the slides you have selected in your trail list.
Takes you back to the TrailSave editor.
Puts you into video mode. The back button returns you to the Trailsave Viewer.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Trailsave Viewer.
Displays a full sized version of the main picture. The back button returns you to the Trailsave Viewer.
The Compare screen allows you to compare any two religions from the Contemporary Issues screen.
Two religion buttons are provided; one for each religion. To select a religion click on a religion button. This brings up a box with a list of religion names. Click on the name of the religion that you wish to select.
'Others' buttons are provided to select an issue and sub-issue for BOTH religions.
Information is presented relating to the issue, sub-issue and religion which you have selected. This information, which makes up a slide, includes a piece of text and a main picture. On some slides there are other pictures, audio and video clips.
Puts you into video mode. The back button returns you to the Compare screen.
Displays a full sized version of the text. The back button returns you to the Compare screen.
Displays a full sized version of the main picture. The back button returns you to the Compare screen.
Displays other pictures relating to the current slide.
Plays the audio. Clicking on this while the audio is playing stops the audio.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Takes you back to the previous screen.
The Compare screen allows you to compare any two religions (series of slides) from the Matrix screen. You may also compare the same religion so that different slides may be viewed simultaneously.
An 'Others' button is provided to select an aspect for BOTH religions. To select an aspect click on the others button. This brings up a box with a list of aspects. Click on the aspect that you wish to select.
Overview provides a quick glimpse of the contents and features available on this disc.
Brings up the relevant help box.
Turns the sound ON and OFF alternately.
Takes you back to the Main Menu screen.
Allows you to save text, pictures and audio relating to the currently selected person and question.
A Nelson Multimedia CD-ROM
Produced by Interactive Learning Productions
Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd
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Interactive Learning Productions
North Street Court
North Street East
Newcastle upon Tyne
⌐ Thomas Nelson and Sons Limited 1994
First published by Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 1994.
Nelson Multimedia is an imprint of Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
Interactive Learning Productions is a division of Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
Thomas Nelson is an International
Thomson Publishing Company
is used under licence
ISBN 0-17-221001-1
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied,
or transmitted save with written permission,
or in accordance with the provision of
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Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be
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Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Inc.
The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce
copyright material:
Video Clips
Independent Television News
The Meridian Trust and Meridian Film and Video
Tyne Tees Television Ltd.
Circa Photo Library
Corel Corporation
Elizabeth Reader
Embassy and Government of Pakistan
Environmental Protection Agency
High Commission of India
Israeli Government
Japan Information and Cultural Centre
Tibet Foundation
US National Archive
Text Excerpts
Koren Publishers, The Holy Scriptures
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, New Revised Standard Version of the
The Islamic Foundation, The Holy Qur'an, trans. A.Yusuf Ali
The Muslim Educational Trust, Islam: Beliefs and Teachings by Ghulam Sarwar
This disc has been produced with the help of many individuals and
organisations. The producers are particularly grateful for the
contributions of the following:
Steve Anderton
Gill Blisset
Hiroko Brittian
Rabbi Brown
Linda Burton
Kevin Cale
Emna Khartoon Din
Mohamed Shariff Din
Sara Edmonds
Nathan Ernstone
David Fitch
John Harkness
Pauline Hodgeson
Rev. David Holloway
Edwina Hutchinson
Ruth Hutchinson
Dr. Siew-Yue Killingley
Patricia Kirkham
Ruth Leslie
Lama Yeshe Losal
Jon Mayled
Mrs. Taraben Mistry
J. Parthasarathi
Jennifer Pearce
Emma Powell
Rabbi Rothschild
Rabbi Rappaport
Gurpreet Singh
Parveen Sodhi
Canon B. Spence
Ven. Tsering Tashe
Ani Tsultrim
Robert Woodside
Church of Christ The Cornerstone, Milton Keynes
Durham Religious Resources Centre
Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Centre
Shree Hindu Temple - Bradford
NOTE: Due to memory constraints on some PCs the 'other pictures' option may be missing from some of the religions which contain a large number of slides (over 20). This will only affect the slide when it is viewed on the compare screen and will not affect Matrix, Contemporary Issues or Trailsave screens.